If you need immediate help, call the Police on 000 or Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63 or 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732

Providing women with
counselling and support

We offer high quality counselling for women that is grounded in best practice, and advocate for social change so that women can live in a socially just society that is free from violence and trauma.

Bondi Beach Cottage offers counselling to women in the Sydney Metro area impacted by domestic and family violence, and women in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney who experience barriers to accessing clinical mental health support and other services.

All counselling is free and confidential, and you don’t need a Medicare card or a visa.

Please note that our women’s counselling service does not provide crisis or accommodation services. If you are in immediate danger, please refer to the emergency hotline page.

Specialist Trauma Counselling for women impacted by domestic and/or family abuse

Bondi Beach Cottage offers 10 free sessions of trauma informed and/or trauma specialist counselling to adult women subjected to Domestic and Family Violence. This includes women at any stage of recovery, including:

  • Those wanting to understand more about Domestic and Family Violence and their relationship;
  • Women ending and/or planning to end abusive relationships;
  • Women struggling to cope with the impacts after ending abusive relationships (including navigating post-separation abuse); and
  • Women who want to (re) connect to their lives and community after escaping abusive relationships.

Casework support is offered to women within the context of the counselling relationship. We can also provide specialist support for women preparing to return to work.

General counselling

Bondi Beach Cottage also has a limited offering of free general counselling for women in the local area who cannot otherwise access counselling services. This may be because trauma impacts are affecting their ability to engage with other services and providers, or they’re unable to afford other counselling offerings, or for other reasons.

Consultation and Information

Bondi Beach Cottage can provide local health and wellbeing service providers and community members with information on best practice responses to violence against women.

Our approach

We offer counselling services to people who:

  • Identify as female
  • Are aged 18 years or over
  • Are currently experiencing domestic or family violence or have done so in the past
  • Will benefit from counselling and can’t access other counselling services due to cost, location or suitability to their needs.

Free Child Care

Occasional Child Care for children aged 0-5 years may be provided to mothers while attending counselling sessions. This service is only available to immunised children with a birth certificate or passport.

How counselling services are delivered

Individual sessions
Clients may be offered face-to-face or telehealth service, depending on their needs and the counselling resources available.

We may at times offer group programs, please contact us or see workshops and activities page for more information. The group programs may include:

  • Therapeutic group work including Domestic and Family Violence psycho-education groups
  • Activity based support groups including Domestic and Family Violence peer support and physical activity groups
  • Information and referral to specialist supports not included in the above.

Our clinical model

In 2021, Bondi Beach Cottage (BBC) engaged registered psychologist Jackie Burke to work with us to develop a clinical model for our counselling and support service. Jackie is a well-respected practitioner and consultant in trauma, vicarious trauma, clinical supervision, management, and leadership. In mid-2022, the new model, which recognises the increasing specialisation involved in providing Domestic Family and Sexual Violence responses was approved, and we commenced implementation. The model enables BBC to ensure clients receive a high-quality service that is responsive to the long-term impacts of trauma and complex trauma. Intervention uses a Stage-Based model of specialist counselling and focus on internal safety, external safety, and development of self-efficacy.

Our clinical model

Our counsellors are accredited/registered practitioners with The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW), The Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) or The Australian Psychological Society (APS). APS. We are all eligible members of Domestic Violence NSW (DVNSW) and work closely with them to meet Domestic and Family Violence standards. Bondi Beach Cottage has a robust model for clinical supervision, training, and vicarious trauma supervision.

How to access counselling for you or someone you know

Who can refer

Women in need of counselling who think they would benefit from counselling are encouraged to contact us directly. We’re not always available to take your call, as we’re with clients, but we’ll call you back if you provide us with a telephone number or email that is safe for us to leave you a message and arrange a suitable time to talk.

Professionals can make a warm referral for their clients. It’s often useful to call us to discuss the referral first and we can advise on the best way to move forward. You can also invite your clients to contact us directly if they feel safe to do so.

Family, friends and community members, it is recommended that you contact 1800RESPECT if you would like advice on how to respond to domestic and family violence affecting a loved one or someone in your community. They are best placed to provide you with information. You can also encourage the person to contact 1800RESPECT themselves and to contact us to make an appointment. We do not contact your loved one or friend at your request.


Who can be referred

  • People who identify as female
  • Are aged 18 years or over
  • Are currently experiencing domestic or family violence or have done so in the past
  • Who will benefit from counselling interventions and who cannot access other counselling services due to cost, location or suitability to their needs.

How to refer or access the counselling

You can refer someone or make an appointment with a counsellor by emailing fss@bondibeachcottage.org.au or calling us on 02 9365 1607.

Bondi Beach Cottage Women’s Counselling Service and Support is unable to provide CRISIS RESPONSE or WALK IN SUPPORT.

Crisis support can be found here:
Waverley Council

Meet our team

Our team are highly qualified generalist counsellors who specialise in Family and Domestic Violence counselling.

  • Eleanor

    Social Worker & Coordinator of Counselling

    BA, MA, MSW (Q)

    Eleanor is a feminist social worker and trauma specialist counsellor. She is interested in anti-oppressive and critical approaches to social injustice.  She is an experienced leader of teams providing responses to social injustices and organisations advocating for social justices.

    Available for specialist DFV or generalist counselling.


Waverley Council Domestic and Family Violence Information

For more information on Domestic and Family Violence and local services available, please visit Waverley Council. Click above to access.


Upcoming Events

  • Employment Empowerment Workshop

    This program supports women who have been socially isolated, largely due to financial violence and are wanting to regain financial security by re-entering the workforce. The program aims to have the participants job ready by building their confidence to re-enter the job market, assisting with résumé writing and interview skills and updating their technology skills. We can also assist with childcare for children under 5 while you attend the program.

    Cost: Free for eligible women

    Duration: 1 on 1 coaching sessions x3

  • Circle of Security

    The program is an evidence-based, structured, and supportive eight-week group program, which aims to nurture a secure attachment for children to their primary care giver and in doing so, fosters the child’s confidence, compassion and resilience to leave them better able to regulate their emotions.

    Care givers participating in the group learn how to:

    • Feel less stress and more competent as a parent
    • Understand their child’s emotional world by learning to read their emotional needs
    • Help their child to get to know their feelings and how to calm down
    • Understand their child’s need to explore and learn about their world
    • Find the confidence to set age-appropriate limits.

    Cost: $150 per family

    Duration: 8-weeks x 2-hour session